It has long been assumed that in the months following the execution of her mother, Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth was out of favour with her father, …

It has long been assumed that in the months following the execution of her mother, Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth was out of favour with her father, …
So often, the life and death of Arthur, Prince of Wales, is reduced to the impact it had upon his bride, Katherine of Aragon, and …
Jane Seymour is perhaps Henry VIII’s most overlooked and underestimated wife, so any new biography that brings attention to this woman is always welcome in …
In 1559, John Aylmer, humanist scholar and Protestant cleric, who would later go on to become the bishop of London, wrote an impassioned defence of …
Eleanor of Aquitaine, ca.1122-1204, is not only the most famous woman to have ever borne that name, but she is also very possibly the first …
In the past, I’ve discussed the children of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Today, I wanted to talk a little about their names. Henry …
In Sharon Bennett Connolly’s new book, ‘King John’s Right Hand Lady: the Story of Nicholaa de la Haye,’ a remarkable 12-13th century woman is brought …
François Van der Delft served as the Spanish ambassador to the courts of Henry VIII and Edward VI. In this capacity, he had a certain …
Even before Anne Boleyn had been executed, eyes were starting to turn towards the future; predictions were being made about the next queen, and foreign …
One of the most frequently quoted accounts of Anne’s last night on Earth was a letter Chapuys wrote to Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, a leading …