With ‘The Final Year of Anne Boleyn,’ Natalie Grueninger has masterfully crafted a scholarly yet accessible volume that offers a fresh, in-depth perspective on Anne …

With ‘The Final Year of Anne Boleyn,’ Natalie Grueninger has masterfully crafted a scholarly yet accessible volume that offers a fresh, in-depth perspective on Anne …
Amongst Mary’s many passions and accomplishments was a deep love of music. Letters, ambassadorial reports, and household expenses reveal just how devoted Mary was to …
I’d like to share a list of my favourite non-fiction books about Anne Boleyn. Whilst there are many other fantastic books about Anne, these are …
In the mid-to-late 17th century, Anthony Wood, an antiquarian and music-lover, wrote biographical notes on famous musicians. Amongst these was a short biography on a …
Just like today, people in the medieval and early modern periods were fascinated by their genealogies, especially kings and noblemen. Henry VIII possessed a particularly …
Writing a decade later, Gervase of Canterbury recounted an extraordinary astronomical event that had been witnessed by a group of his fellow monks on the …
I realise this question could apply to several of Henry’s wives, but right now I’m thinking about Katherine of Aragon. If she had had a …
These spectacular rosary beads are believed to have belonged to Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon. No written records survive relating to this beautiful item, …
For a site that attracts so much international attention and tourism in the 21st century, in the medieval and Tudor periods there are surprisingly few …